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Who are you really?

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Google Online Rep and Customers Say Who You Are


“Our products are the highest quality” Not if your Amazon reviews say otherwise.

“We treat all of our customers with respect and dignity” Not if the first results on Google are Ripoff Raeport or Pissed Consumer.

“Our #1 goal is listening to our customers.” Not if your Twitter account is silent when someone is asking for help.

Long gone are the days when your PR & marketing team can print a tagline under your name and call it day. Long gone are the days branding can just swoop in and say “this is what our brand is all about and what we stand for” and not have to do a thing to backup those claims.

If you’re not backing up your claims with actions then all you’re doing is shoving around garbage and by now we all know what happens when you play with garbage.

Making good products is only one aspect of a successful business. Stellar customer service is only one aspect of a successful business. Honest marketing and communications is only one aspect. Treating your employees well is only one aspect. If you’re striving for quality then all the aspects of your business need to be aligned and that includes your online presence.

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